Monday, May 17, 2010

Weber River - March 20th 2010

We made a quick Saturday trip to our favorite stretch of the Weber river. Jack and I made our way pretty early on and were joined later by Jack's father and our buddy Matty Hansen.

We caught plenty of whitefish (mainly Whitefish Jack) and a few fun browns too. No rainbows that I know about where caught. The water was still down but a little off color from the recent rains. We are still waiting for the run off to get going.

After seeing some fouled hooked Whities I dared Jack to catch one in the mouth. He stirred up the Whitefish mojo magic and caught the next 3 whitefish in the mouth. It took a picture to verify/validate the hook-ups.

Jack always makes up for it with a good fish. Here is the brown he brought to hand.

I caught mostly Whitefish except 2 little browns that took pity on me. Here are some other random pics including the stonefly that was typical of the ones we screened from the river today.
We capped the day with a late lunch at the Spring Chicken Inn in Wanship.

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