Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wader Recycling

A couple of years ago I found a pair of pretty cheap breathable waders in a garbage can. Being the curious person I am, I 'fished' them out and threw them in the car. When I got them home and saw how badly they were torn and that repairing them would be really hard I started thinking about what I could do with them. No brilliant ideas came to mind and I'm pretty sure they ended up in the garbage again.

So the other day I was surfing some fishing sites and came across a link for Recycled Waders. This site is actually really interesting and worth a look for those who might have a damaged pair of waders.

I'm think I'm going to order myself a wallet. Now if I could just find something to do with the OLD pair of neoprenes I have out in the shed.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Goofing Around with Pictures

A couple of years ago we were fishing Pork Fork [name changed to protect the innocent fish]. My wife Christie was with us and she was having a good time hooking up with some great slab rainbows. (see photo)

After the trip we got home and I was uploading the pictures from the camera. At first glance everything seemed okay, maybe a little cropping was in order and then I saw a little something out of place.

Some random expletive rolled out as I smiled and had a nice chuckle about it. I clearly hadn't seen Bill when I took the picture. So I had some cropping fun and "Little Billy" was born.

Now fast forward to today (5/29/09) and Bill and I went back up to the scene of the crime hoping to find those big piggy rainbows again with the built-in photo opportunities.
Imagine my glee when I see Bill trying to take a self portrait of a fish he just caught and he has his back to me. Could I pass this up??? Heck no...... so later that evening I get an email with evidence of a successful photo hijacking.

That is FANTASTIC!!!!!

So how was the fishing? The river was blowing hard in the morning and the off-color river makes me think the reservoir is turning over. We caught a few but no big daddy's today. Around noon the river dropped a good 6 inches and that pretty much killed it. I did have one really great strike on a grey Zonker that was a classic territorial strike. No way that fish was coming off the hook - it was set clear through the side of the mouth. I think the overall most consistent pattern today were bright red worm patterns or even "dirty worms" as I call them.

I'm really hoping the run-off water holds for another couple weeks so I can make at least one more journey up there in hopes of clear water and bigger fish.